
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Long Time Gone...

    ...and 6 months later, she posts again. Wow. We'll play a little catch up before going into the now! That 3-on-3 tournament the guys played in? Yep, they definitely won it. It was great to watch! As celebration, we bought Jeremiah a new pair of basketball shoes...only because he threw his in the trash after the last game of the season at NEC.
     The internship with the NH Fisher Cats actually turned into a paying job! They paid for gas.. that was about it. But seriously, what a great experience for him. He met great people and definitely learned a lot about the business side of sports, along with what he does and does not want to do when choosing a career.
     We both rounded out the school year on high notes and with that I went to visit my dad for two weeks. That two week vacation quickly turned into a month long when my dad tore his Patella tendon, along with other muscles in his left leg, resulting in knee surgery. Oh, and also had damaged muscles in his right leg resulting in no walking. How did this travesty happen, you may be asking? Well let me put your mind at ease with this story:
     Once upon a time, there was a girl named Janika Dohnson, who was visiting her wonderful father, Gave Doodwin. Gave was the kind of guy who liked to play jokes on people. He would be as straight faced as ever while making someone believe him. So Gave had this amazing girlfriend named... Mandi RcDougall. Janika convinced Mandi to invite her grandchildren over so she could meet them. While the dogs were outside trying to catch squirrels, Mandi's grandson had the urge to feed peanuts to the squirrels. So, Gave went inside and retrieved peanuts. Mandy and Janika watched through the window as Gave lifted the small child up to place a peanut on the fence. When doing so, Gave collapsed and rolled onto his front, lying there. Well, being the joker that he is, Mandy and Janika waited for him to stand up and say something along the lines of, "Nobody would have helped me if I was hurt? Hello! I'm hurt!" and then lie back down. Minutes later,  the young boy came in to report that, "The guy is hurt, ooh he's hurt real bad." To which Mandi and Janika finally responded, and went outside to help. As Gave tried to pull himself back up onto the deck, he seemed to have hurt the other leg as well.
      Not a glamorous story by any means, but a cute one to say the least. Anyway, he's doing rehabilitation on his left knee now, so it's improving day by day. He's graduated from a walker to a cane, so that's good news.
     Another nugget of good news, we've moved back to Port Angeles! It was a quick decision, but the right one. The process reminded me of when we got married -- everything just fell into place so, why fight it? Jeremiah is working in the Athletic Department at Peninsula College as the Activities Director. His very first grown up job and I couldn't be more proud!
   As for me, I'm working as a paraeducator at Franklin Elementary and assistant coaching the PC women's basketball team. More updates with these shenanigans another time. I could do a whole blog on our roadtrip back here alone!.. but, I'll save that.

 vvvv This was how sad we were to be leaving was devastating. But in all seriousness, New Hampshire and all the people we were fortunate enough to meet have impacted our life so much! The hardest part was saying goodbye, knowing that some of those people we may never see again. But as they say, there are no goodbyes, only see ya laters. So, Henniker, thank you for the amazing two years and the memories that go along with it.. We truly love our New Hampshire family!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We're back!

    After discontinuing the blogging.. there was a gaping hole in my life. A hole that could have easily been filled with school work, yet, here I am. :) In recent Johnson news..

     We are officially retired from basketball..Yay! As much as we know we're going to miss it, we're still enjoying the freedom. Jeremiah gets to play in a 3-on-3 tournament this Saturday with his new bestie who lives in the next town over. He's definitely pumped for that.. and yes, he will be sporting his NWAACC Championship ring while he's not playing. He only wears it on special occasions, and this is definitely one of those occasions.

 Jeremiah got an internship with the New Hampshire FisherCats! The FisherCats is the minor league baseball team based out of Manchester, about 45 minutes from good ol' Henniker. He'll be able to sit in on all of the big-wig meetings and do all the fancy business stuff that goes with running a successful sports team. The most exciting part for me? The potential free tickets to the games. :) Can't say I'm disappointed in that! He's got one more year left of school because of the double-major, and a very high percentage of those who receive the internships he has now get placed in a job with the team right after graduating college. He's in a good spot, and we're so grateful for all the friends who helped him get this amazing opportunity!

     As for me, I'm still working at White Birch and yes, I still love it. I have my own class in the afternoons with the kindergarten kids, and I work the before and after school programs with the 5-13 year olds. I must say, as much as I love what I'm doing right now, I can't wait for summertime! Field trips 3 days a week, swimming 1 day a week, games everyday. Not only is it fun, but it's rewarding to see the kids interacting with one another and do make new relationships with them, and to also build on the ones we already have. I still have about a year and a half left in school -- that's what I get for college-hopping. Majoring in Elementary and Special Education seems to be the best decision I've made so far.. Well... it's in the top three (I bet you can guess the other two!).

    In other news, our baby boy is doing just fine! Aside from him being in the bratty puppy stage, Boone is turning into a fine young lad. Jeremiah finally broke down his big rule of Boone not being allowed on the couch, but look at that face.. is this a face you could say no to? Of course not! He's getting huge though. At 5 months he's almost half of his full grown size. Huge mama's boy though.. but I'm not complaining. :)... and yes, that's our new truck he's driving!