questions, and won't be there to help me when I'm at my wits end. But I find so much comfort in the fact that my Heavenly Father gave me the best mother for me. He gave me a mother to whom I could look back on my childhood and recall all the wonderful things that she did for my sister and I. I can look back on my memories of my mom with fondness, and sure, longing every once in a while, but mostly how to be the best mother I can be.
Also, on the plus side, all of these friends of mine who are having cute little babies will be experts by the time it's my turn! I will not only have one mother to seek help and advice from, but SO MANY! I love each of them, and while there is a pang of jealousy in each new cute little baby that pops up, I can't help but love every one of them and know that each of them are in such great hands, and have such loving parents. Heavenly Father really does have a plan, and I love seeing each of these wonderful friends of mine helping all these souls come to the veil to receive their own little bodies. :)
I have a mother-in-law who raised 4 very amazing, and very different, independent citizens and extraordinary human beings! I can't imagine having to go through any of the rest of my life without her guidance and companionship. There are so many amazing women in my life who I know that when the time comes, I can turn to. So many women who have not only taken on the role of "mother" for me when I need them, but even when I didn't think I did. All these "moms" of mine have given me some kind of unique quality or teaching to pass on to my children. I'm lucky to have learned so much from all of you ladies!
Jeremiah hasn't quite jumped in on the Baby Train yet, but it's only a matter of time -- I mean, he is getting pretty old! In all seriousness, it will be nice that when we do both know that the time is right, we'll have our education completed, and will only be interested on earning more of it than we need.
In late news..
WE ARE HOMEOWNERS!! Our first home is officially ours. We couldn't be more thrilled! Of course, there will be a photo tour. If only we'd taken as many "before" photos as we'd planned. I guess you could say that we've been too eager! We've already finished so many projects, but you can bet your bottom that there are an endless amount left.
Naturally, Jeremiah has his aquarium set up. That was our second big purchase -- the first, being the TV on Black Friday of course! Since we got the keys in November, it's FINALLY starting to feel like a home, which I love! Jeremiah has been working so hard, and the house and yards look incredible. Boone likes all the space he has to run and play, too... not to mention all the "prizes" he's dug up in the back yard. Safe to say he's dug up a grave yard back there. So many bones (not human, duh)!
Oh... and did I mention that he has a new girlfriend? Her name is Harley... Looks like the Johnson family and the Haguewood family will soon be merged!... just kidding.
I've been working this year as a Para Educator at an elementary school, while doing online school through Western Governor's University to earn my Elementary/Special Education degrees. It's definitely been a rewarding experience, not to mention challenging. I love being able to do what I know I'm meant to do each day. I can apply everything that I'm learning in my classes to my work, which makes me a better learner. I get discouraged because I still have over a year and a half of school left to do. That being said, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! I know what I'm supposed to be doing, and it will be so worth it in the end.
In other news, Maranda is here visiting! And then Pam and Lani come June 6th, and then Lewis comes the day Maranda leaves, June 14th. It's so fun to be able to have visitors in our home without worrying about having enough space for everyone. We love love LOVE sharing our home with our family and friends (yes, that's an invitation for all!).